Ignite Success: 7 Reasons to Consider a Burner Upgrade

Keep reading to learn the top 7 reasons it may be time to consider a burner upgrade. Plus a bonus reason at the end.

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

7 Reasons to Consider a Burner Upgrade

Is your burner impeding your progress and limiting your operational potential? If so, it’s time to explore the compelling reasons why upgrading your burner can be a game-changer for your day-to-day operations. In this article, we’ll delve into seven key factors that highlight the significance of upgrading your burner and how it directly impacts your efficiency, productivity, and overall success. Prepare to uncover the untapped benefits and stay tuned for a bonus reason along with valuable resources to guide your future decision-making process. Don’t let your burner hold you back any longer—let’s embark on a journey of improvement and advancement together.

Reason #1: CAPACITY

Reason #1 to consider a burner upgrade is Capacity. Maximize your capacity and boost production. Have you assessed your current production /process needs and the output of your boiler as it relates to the capacity of your burner? Does your burner capacity match your boiler capacity? Oftentimes we see customers with boiler capacity that is much higher than their burner can support. If you want to increase your capacity or even build in some redundancy across equipment, consider bridging the gap. By upgrading your burner you can maximize your available boiler capacity.

Bottom Line: You are losing money and production /process capability by running below capacity.   


Reason #2 to consider a burner upgrade is redundancy. Create redundancy and avoid downtime. If reason #1 is true, then, #2 is also likely true. If you are leaving potential capacity on the table, you are also leaving opportunities for built in redundancy on the table.  Redundancy across equipment is a must for all critical operations. You may be able to upgrade your burners to create redundancy and avoid a complete replacement or new boiler purchase (even if only temporarily).

Bottom Line: If you don’t match your burner to your boiler size you lose both capacity and redundancy.  You can achieve Return on Investment (ROI) on day one with reduction of lost/lower production days.


Reason #3 you should consider a burner upgrade is that you can achieve an improved turndown ratio. When a burner has good turndown, its low fire output is low enough to produce less steam than is needed, thereby eliminating the need for constant shut off of the burner caused by exceeding the setpoint. Many older burners have less than a 3:1 turndown ratio. That means that your low fire is best case 1/3 of the firing rate at Max firing rate. Newer burners have turndown of 8:1, which equates to about 2.8 mm btu/hour.

Bottom Line: You will be saving money in your daily operations. What this means in day-to-day operation is that you eliminate short cycling, greatly reduce areas under or above the curve, and fuel savings are substantial.


Reason #4 to consider a burner upgrade is improved combustion technology. Older burners are pre-mix , high excess air burners. They utilize a lot of extra air which equates to wasted fuel energy and wasted blower motor energy in producing the excess air. They run at an average Oxygen content of 7-8%.  Newer burners are Rapid Mix burner. Combustion gases and air are rapidly mixed at the burner head and NOT INSIDE the burner head. Rapid mix burners run much closer to stoichiometric combustion settings. Stoichiometric combustion basically refers to the perfect mix of gas and air needed to burn completely. By upgrading you get to capitalize on this advanced combustion technology.

Bottom Line: Rapid Mix Burner Technology translates to less wasted fuel and less wasted electrical energy than compared to excess air burners. ROI gas savings and electrical utility savings on day 1.


Reason #5 to consider a burner upgrade is Safety. You can prioritize safety and mitigate potential risks. Pre-mix combustion is always considered more volatile, because as the name suggests, the gas and air are pre-mixed to combustible levels before they even leave the burner head. In addition to being non-efficient, premix burners have earned a reputation for exploding, since the burners frequently have large puff-backs, which are just explosions coming back through the inlet side of the burner.  Ina rapid mix burner, combustion gases and air are rapidly mixed at the burner head and NOT INSIDE the burner head. Combustion occurs externally inside the combustion chamber as it should in a boiler, which is considered an external combustion source, as opposed to internal combustion, such as what occurs inside a cylinder head in an engine. 

Bottom Line: Rapid Mix Technology is safer than premix technology and reduces the risk of explosions and subsequent damages, injuries and production losses.


Reason #6 to consider a burner upgrade is improved controls and repeatability. Repeatability is a programming term used to define how well a controller can produce the same results at a pre-programmed point whenever a controller returns to that same pre-programmed point. The older Fireye controls produce unrepeatable curves in the fuel/air ratio when modulating up vs when modulating down. This unreliable unrepeatability causes harmonic issues, flame stability issues, and generally results in excessive service calls for tune ups. Newer technology controls are optimized by having tighter control, integrated feedback systems, and a better communication system.

Bottom Line: Newer burners come with this upgraded and proven control system which means fuel savings and reduced burner tuning service calls.


Reason #7 to consider a burner upgrade is improved O2 trim technology. The newer burner/controls technology uses a highly effective Oxygen trim and temperature compensation controls autotune system. When it comes to emissions and optimum burner performance, the basis of all tuning relates to Oxygen content of exhaust gases in the stack.

The O2 trim system on newer burners constantly analyzes the Oxygen in the exhaust gas and autotunes the combustion within set parameters to keep combustion at its optimum performance. In addition, you are able to set additional points to processes such as pilot ignition, main flame ignition, and modulation fuel/air ratio curves based on ambient air temperature/ air density to best optimize combustion.

Bottom Line:   Instant ROI with enhanced fuel savings, electrical savings, and reduced service calls for tuning whenever weather changes.


The bonus reason to consider a burner upgrade is that you may not have a choice. Do you know if your burner is in compliance with current regulations?

You may not even have a choice about whether you retrofit your burner. Depending on the jurisdiction you are in, and the size of your equipment, you may be due to replace or retrofit your burner. Do you know the limits for your district?

Some Questions for you to consider moving forward

Do you know the expected remaining lifecycle of your equipment? Click Here for Top 5 ways to extend the life of your equipment.

Have you done an assessment to analyze how your high-pressure steam equipment might be able to contribute to higher productivity? Boiler Efficiency Calculator

Are you doing everything you can to avoid costly unplanned downtime? Top 3 actions you can take to improve your boiler room. Read more

If you are in the SCAQMD, check out this compliance guide that explains the limits and the deadlines.

If you are in California or Nevada let’s chat. We would love to help you optimize your current equipment and plan for your future too.


In conclusion, upgrading your burner brings multiple advantages, including increased capacity, redundancy, improved turndown ratio, combustion technology, safety, controls, and O2 trim technology. Moreover, it can help you meet environmental compliance standards. Consider assessing the remaining lifecycle of your equipment, analyzing how it can contribute to higher productivity, and taking actions to avoid costly unplanned downtime. By optimizing your current equipment and planning for the future, you can improve efficiency and productivity in your operations. If you require assistance in Southern California, reach out to us for support in optimizing your equipment.

About Powerhouse Combustion & Mechanical Corporation

Powerhouse Combustion & Mechanical Corporation is a premier provider of industrial combustion and mechanical services in California and Nevada. We specialize in high-pressure steam boilers, pressure vessel welding, burner retrofits, and more. Committed to reliability, safety, and sustainability, our expert team ensures optimal performance and compliance with the latest environmental regulations. From routine maintenance to emergency services, Powerhouse Combustion is dedicated to keeping critical facilities operating at their best. Trust us for all your industrial mechanical needs.

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7 reasons burner upgrade